Open Tenders

The ETDP SETA invites you to a Supplier Engagement session.

The session is to engage and address common challenges related to Methods of Procurement in terms of Requests for Quotations and Tenders.

Please use the Zoom link below to log in to the meeting on the day.
AGENDA Supplier Engagement Session 15 November 2024.pdf

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 938 2035 0537
Passcode: 992305

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+27214268190,,93820350537# South Africa

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• +27 87 551 7702 South Africa
• +27 21 426 8190 South Africa
• +27 21 426 8191 South Africa
• +27 87 550 3946 South Africa

Meeting ID: 938 2035 0537

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